James Snyder
PO Box 747 Cranberry Lake, NY 12927
The assessor estimates the value of real property within a city, town, or village's boundaries. The value is converted into an assessment and becomes one component in the computation of real property tax bill. Many mistakenly think that assessors set tax rates , but they do not; they just determine taxability and value of properties; prepares and maintains current data on each parcel assessed, including maps of boundaries, inventories of land and structures, property characteristics, and any applicable exemptions.
Main responsibility is to address real property value periodically; must establish effective systems for assessing property, manage data collection and retention, maintain a current knowledge base about real estate prices and trends, and handle assessment appeals. Maintains records and is responsible for completing and maintaining assessment rolls that show the assessed values and status of all property in a county or municipality. Keeps current records of the owners of each taxable land parcel and keeps detailed records on each parcel assessed, including maps of property boundaries, inventories of land and structures, and a list of property characteristics.
Assessors must obtain basic certification by NYS within 3 years of taking office. This requires the successful completion of orientation, three assessment administration course components, and five appraisal components which are prescribed by the NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services. Each year appointed assessors must also complete an average of 12 hours continuing education.
Assessors are obligated by NYS law to maintain assessments at a uniform percentage of market value each year. For more information on the responsibilities of an assessor, view the following link:
Hours of Operation:The Assessors Office is located at the Town of Clifton Garage at 66 River Road every other Monday.
Call 315-212-8563 to schedule a time or appt to meet with him.
Assessment Information
Contains info and links to exemption forms, grievance forms and other important assessment information.
Star Program
This site helps you register online for the STAR credit and explains what is needed and how to do it.
James Snyder
PO Box 747 Cranberry Lake, NY 12927
The assessor estimates the value of real property within a city, town, or village's boundaries. The value is converted into an assessment and becomes one component in the computation of real property tax bill. Many mistakenly think that assessors set tax rates , but they do not; they just determine taxability and value of properties; prepares and maintains current data on each parcel assessed, including maps of boundaries, inventories of land and structures, property characteristics, and any applicable exemptions.
Main responsibility is to address real property value periodically; must establish effective systems for assessing property, manage data collection and retention, maintain a current knowledge base about real estate prices and trends, and handle assessment appeals. Maintains records and is responsible for completing and maintaining assessment rolls that show the assessed values and status of all property in a county or municipality. Keeps current records of the owners of each taxable land parcel and keeps detailed records on each parcel assessed, including maps of property boundaries, inventories of land and structures, and a list of property characteristics.
Assessors must obtain basic certification by NYS within 3 years of taking office. This requires the successful completion of orientation, three assessment administration course components, and five appraisal components which are prescribed by the NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services. Each year appointed assessors must also complete an average of 12 hours continuing education.
Assessors are obligated by NYS law to maintain assessments at a uniform percentage of market value each year. For more information on the responsibilities of an assessor, view the following link:
Hours of Operation:The Assessors Office is located at the Town of Clifton Garage at 66 River Road every other Monday.
Call 315-212-8563 to schedule a time or appt to meet with him.
Assessment Information
Contains info and links to exemption forms, grievance forms and other important assessment information.
Star Program
This site helps you register online for the STAR credit and explains what is needed and how to do it.